Intellectual Property Protection
- Why do entrepreneurs need to protect their technical and scientific innovations?
- How can I protect my innovations? I’ve heard of patents, trademarks, trade secrets, etc.
- I don’t have the resources to sue someone who is infringing. Why bother patenting my invention?
- How do I get a patent? Can I prepare a patent myself? I can write a good technical description.
- What experience should I look for in a good patent attorney or patent agent?
- What if I told someone about my innovation? Is it too late to protect it?
- What are the legal requirements to get a patent?
- How do I find out if someone else invented my concept first? Is there a way to search for my concept?
- Someone told me not to search patents because it can get me in trouble. Is that true?
- Is software patentable?
- Even if I can legally get a patent, are there reasons to not get a patent?
- What is a Provisional Patent Application?
- What is the difference between a utility patent and a design patent?
- After I file my patent, I can sell my patented product with no worries, right?
- MIT owns some patents that I’d like to use. How can I do that?
- What are common license terms for intellectual property?
- A license sounds like a big commitment. I’m not ready for that yet. Can I wait a while to take a license?
- Does my US patent protect me in other countries?
- How do I handle international filings?
- External content: What is the patent process? (Via Dragon Innovation)
- External content: Cheat Sheet for Intellectual Property from Bricolage Law LLC
- External Content: Do entrepreneurs really need patents? (via MIT Bootcamps)
- External content: MIT Bootcamps webinar series on IP Law