How can I trust that my employees are working hard if I cannot see them?

If you are used to seeing everyone at the office, and suddenly everyone is on line, you may get worried that everyone is not working as hard as when they are in the office. How can you guarantee they are working just as hard?

There is just one answer: Trust them to do the right thing to the best of their ability. You have no choice.

This is a difficult time, and it is very disruptive. You have to accept that there will be productivity  losses. People will be burdened with household responsibilities like childcare and elder care during working hours. They will need to find time to work around their responsibilities. They probably also miss being in the office. You need to give them space to work out a routine that works for them. Just trust and verify.

Give it a couple of weeks and then you can regroup with the team 1x1 then in a group to see what works and what does not work, and share best practices on how to settle effectively into the new normal. We are all learning and the best teams will come out stronger from this experience.

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