Most video conferencing platforms (Zoom, WebEx, GoTo products etc) have two ways you can interact virtually with an audience via video chat:
- Meetings. Typically one person hosts the meeting and people can join as peers. Everyone will have a video feed and audio input into the virtual meeting. This is a good format for actual meetings, and small workshops with fewer than 30 people or so.
- Webinars. This is a format for managing a large audience (30+). There is a distinction between "panelists" and "attendees". The panelists have full video feed and audio input just like in a meeting. Attendees do not have a video stream for the panelists to see (because it can be overwhelming). They also cannot use audio unless explicitly granted permission from the host (or co-hosts - more than one person may host a webinar). The audience can interact with panelists via polls issued by the host OR via typing in text questions.