What is the definition of an entrepreneur?

While the word "Entrepreneur" conjure up images of tech giants like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and more recently Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and the like, our definition of the word "Entrepreneur" is far broader than a co-founder of a classic VC backed tech startup. 

Professor Bill Aulet of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship defines the word "Entrepreneur" as follows:

"An entrepreneur is someone who can utilize some assets that they control, and incorporate other assets that they do not control, to produce new products and services. In addition, these products or services must produce significant value, of which the entrepreneur is able to capture value, so as to create an economically self-sustaining entity."

 With this definition, entrepreneurs are everywhere: In startups and big companies, in for-profit enterprises, non profits, government and more.

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