How do I setup a landing page for my online advertisements to link to?

The objective for some digital advertising campaigns is to draw people to a website to purchase or collect their information, which brings us to an important requirement for effective digital advertising: well-designed landing pages. A landing page is a website that a visitor is directed to from an online advertisement.

Landing pages vary widely in terms of design, but the three key components that drive conversions are a compelling headline, a few selling points, and a clear call to action. Each campaign needs a separate landing page because when ad copy doesn’t match the landing page messaging prospects don’t convert.

It is important to design a variety of landing pages to serve different campaigns. The reason for this is that the messaging on the landing page must be consistent with the messaging in the advertisement otherwise visitors will never convert. This cohesive messaging is something that everyone struggles with - not just from small shops but also the world’s largest companies.

For inspiration, you can reference this article from HubSpot about how to create a good landing page:

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