We have compiled a list of legal document templates from law firms and startup support systems to help you get started. You can also check out Founders Workbench for legal documents, guides, and calculators.
via Y Combinator
Safe: Valuation Cap, no Discount
Safe: Discount, no Valuation Cap
Safe: Valuation Cap and Discount
Safe: MFN, no Valuation Cap, no Discount
via Cooley Go
Incorporation Package (Delaware)
Advisor Agreement |
Consulting Agreement |
Employee Confidential Information and Assignment Agreement |
Employee Offer Letter |
Non-Disclosure Agreement (One-way) |
Non-Disclosure Agreement (Mutual) |
Website Terms of Use |
Privacy Policy |
Find more legal templates from Cooley Go >
via Wilmerhale Launch
- Action of Sole Incorporator
- Action of Directors in Lieu of First Meeting
- Advisory Board Letter
- Bylaws
- Certification of Incorporation
- Confidentiality Agreement (one-way entity)
- Confidentiality Agreement (one-way individual)
- Confidentiality Agreement (two-way entity)
- Confidentiality Agreement (two-way individual)
- Consulting Agreement (Massachusetts – individual)
- Consulting Agreement (Non-Massachusetts – individual)
- Consulting Agreement (entity)
- Employee At-Will Offer Letter
- Employee Non-solicitation and Non-competition Agreement (Massachusetts)
- Employee Non-solicitation and Non-competition Agreement (Non-Massachusetts)
- Employee Invention and Non-disclosure Agreement
- Founder Restricted Stock Agreement
- Founder Invention, Non-disclosure, Non-competition and Non-solicitation Agreement
- Section 83(b) election
- Section 83(b) cover letter
- Advisory Board Letter
- Confidentiality Agreement (one-way for disclosing information to an entity)
- Confidentiality Agreement (one-way for disclosing information to an individual)
- Confidentiality Agreement (mutual for disclosing information to, and receiving information from, an entity)
- Confidentiality Agreement (mutual for disclosing information to, and receiving information from, an individual)
- Consulting Agreement (when the consultant is an entity)
- Consulting Agreement (when the consultant is an individual – Massachusetts)
- Consulting Agreement (when the consultant is an individual – Non-Massachusetts)
- Employee At-Will Offer Letter
- Employee Invention and Non-Disclosure Agreement
- Employee Non-solicitation and Non-competition Agreement (Massachusetts)
- Employee Non-solicitation and Non-competition Agreement (Non-Massachusetts)
via Orrick