How much grant or stipend money will teams be eligible for and what are the eligibility requirements?

The Martin Trust Center organizing team, in conjunction with the advisory board assigned to each team, will determine the amount of milestone money, if any, to be awarded each month. You have the ability to receive up to $20,000 in funding during the duration of MIT delta v.

Only current MIT students, as defined in the “Eligibility” section, are able to receive the $2,000 / month fellowships. Only MIT students listed in the submitted application form will be eligible for the fellowship.

The fellowships will only be awarded during June, July, and August. The Martin Trust Center organizing team, in conjunction with the advisory board, will determine which team members will receive the fellowships. In general, a team member needs to be founder-level and work full-time in the program to receive money for a particular month.

Remember that all payments are considered income and are therefore taxable. Non-U.S. citizens are typically subject to a 14% tax withholding from any money they receive. We do not provide tax guidance. 

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