Are there any resources for me to learn about leadership in a startup setting?

There are similarities and differences between leadership in a corporate setting and leadership in a startup setting.  In a startup, things move much more quickly, teams are much smaller and more cross functional, and the leadership challenges faced by founders are often unique.  There were a series of videos made back in 2010 in support of a course at MIT that you may find helpful - check them out.

Segment One: Introduction, Entrepreneurial Ventures, and Leadership Models


  • 15 min: Introduction to Course and Logistics
  • 30 min: Entrepreneurial Challenge #1: Balancing Leadership and Management
  • 45 min: Summary of Relevant Leadership Models

Watch the video by clicking here.



Segment Two: Evolution, Leadership, and Culture


  • 20 min: Evolution of Entrepreneurial Ventures
  • 45 min: Leadership, Values and Culture
  • 15 min: Identifying Students' Specific Challenges & Questions for Entrepreneurial Leadership

Watch the video by clicking here.



Segment Three: Student Areas of Interest and Discussion


  • 15 min: Presentation of Students' Specific Areas of Interest Regarding Entrepreneurial Leadership
  • 45 min: Overview and Discussion of "How Founders/Leaders Create Organizational Cultures"

Watch the video by clicking here.



Segment Four: Discussion, Summary, and Closing


  • 80 min: Interactive Dialogue with Class on Their Identified Areas of Interest
  • 15 min: Summary and Close

Watch the video by clicking here.

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